Jong Eon Kim


Jong Eon Kim is Korean artist who pioneers an independent field by painting the passage of night. As a result, it is out of the general painting style of colorful coloring because it is not a landscape seen under sunlight. The unique ashen tone dominates and the sparing palette becomes the dominant color. His screens reveal their immovable existence in the dim gray remnants of human traces, but are locked in the silence of the night. Spots occur unexpectedly while expressing the snowflakes, and the dots of white paint generate pictorial conflict and tension between the spatial depth and the surface of the screen through perspective representation. 

‘밤새…’ by Jong Eon Kim, The interesting thing about the series is that it contains warmth between people, but there is no one in the work. In the late afternoon darkness, there is only white snow, a street lamp, and a small light coming from a small window.

 “Because the less people there are, the more people you see,” he said. “I visit this place on purpose in the late afternoon. The lights in the work are called ‘story’, and when there are no people, there are more lights, and when it is cold, the warmth is more remembered. A small light in the dark seems to be explained by a story.” explains.

 Those are series where you can feel the silence between the warmth and coziness of a snowy day. 

     김종언 (KIM JONG EON)

계명대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업
개인전 21회
대구문화예술회관 (2019)
동원화랑 (2018,2017,2015,2012,2010,2009,2007,2004 )
수성아트피아 (2017)
카톨릭 (2016)
수화랑 (2015)
갤러리 에이큐브 (2013)
미르치과갤러리 (2005)
수화랑 (2006)
청작화랑 (2003)
수화랑 (2003)
수화랑 (2001)
수화랑 (2000)
송아당화랑 (1999)
대백프라자 (1998)
봉산갤러리 (1996)
KIAF 한국 국제아트페어 (2015,2016,수화랑)
한국화랑미술제 (2014,2015,2016,2017 수화랑)
부산아트쇼 (2014 수화랑)
광주아트페어 (2014 수화랑)
아시아 호텔 아트페어 (2013 서울 콘래드호텔, 갤러리 에이큐브)
Asia Contemporary Art Show (2013 홍콩, 갤러리 에이큐브)
아시아 탑 갤러리 호텔아트페어 서울2012 (웨스틴 조선호텔, 에이큐브)
KIAF 한국 국제아트페어 (2012 동원화랑)
경남 국제 아트페어 (2012, 2014, 2015 수화랑)
부산 국제 화랑미술제 (2012 수화랑)
아트로드77 헤이리 2012 (아트팩토리)
LOCAL WAVE 2012 (아트팩토리)
대구화랑협회 기획전 (아트팩토리 2011)
대구아트페어 (08,09,12,14,15 수화랑)
화랑미술제 (2008, 2009, 2012 동원화랑)
대구아트엑스포 (2002 수화랑)
화랑미술제 (2005 중앙화랑)
봉산미술제 2회 (2000, 2003 수화랑) 
기타 단체전 270여회